Marieluisa Lenglachner

Marieluisa Lenglachner is a Vienna based mixed-media artist and researcher. Coming from a background in anthropology as well as photography, she currently studies experimental art at the Kunstuniversität Linz. Her work focuses on the intertwined human relation with nature, more-than human beings and notions of the natural and the artificial in the Anthropocene.

Meandering curiously through the world that surrounds her, she explores the tangibility and the ways of being that make up these complex living worlds. She collects textures, colors and shapes of the infinite variety of materials and explores their connections. These are dissected and then juxtaposed in installations that combine various approaches: textile art, alternative photographic processes, painting, sculptural processes, moving images or working on clay. She exposes some of her works to water, light, wind and weather. They change colors, fade out, fall out of shape or decay, and aim at a coauthorship with natural forces.